Swiss Transferable Skills Network


The Swiss Transferable Skills Network began in 2014 and is composed of the managers of transferable skills training and career development for junior researchers (primarily doctoral candidates and postdocs) from across the Swiss university system. It currently includes representatives from the Universities of Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St Gallen and Zurich, the ETHZ and EPFL, the CUSO and Regard (Bureaux de l’égalité) programmes in western Switzerland, as well as representation from swissuniversities.


The network is open to managers of corresponding programmes and initiatives in all the Swiss universities, as and when they are created.


Our objective is to provide a space for exchange and support among and between members: to discuss good practice and the challenges faced in common areas, experiences with training courses or trainers, and to share resources in order to provide specialized and high quality professional development for our target groups. We currently meet informally once per year, and remain in contact as and when the opportunity arises.


For more detailed information on this initiative please contact Ilaria Orsi (en/fr) or Eric Alms (en/de).


We also encourage you to consider becoming a member of PRiDE, the Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education


Institution Program/Service Contact
Universität Basel Transferable Skills for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs Stefanie Hof
Universität Bern Transferable Skills for (Post)Docs Maj-Britt Niemi
  Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences  
  Graduate School for Health Sciences  
Université de Fribourg Graduate Campus Mirjam Andexlinger Felouati
Université de Genève Graduate Campus Stéphanie de Moerloose
Université de Lausanne Graduate Campus Verity Elston
Martine Schaer
Universität Luzern Graduate Academy Sarah Kaiser
  Campus Luzern Bernhard Lange
Université de Neuchâtel Centre de carrière Dunvel Even
Universität St Gallen Faculty Development Sabrina Helmer
Universität Zürich Graduate Campus Transferable Skills Eric Alms
Universität Zürich / ETHZ Life Science Zurich Susanna Bachmann
Università della Svizzera italiana   Stefano Giacomelli
EPFL Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Doctoral School Philip Mair
Julie Mazard
Transversal Skills and Career Centre Tamara Milosevic
Helena Kovacs
ETH Zürich Human Resources courses Olga Pardo
Eva Gottschewski
HES-SO Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale BADOC Isabelle Skakni
HEP Programme d’Appui Institutionnel à la Relève Fiona Moreno
Grants office, encouragement carrière Agnès Rey
2Cr2D Programme Doctoral de 2Cr2D Fiona Moreno
CUSO Conférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale The Transversal Programme Ilaria Orsi
Equal Opportunities offices, Universities of western Switzerland The REGARD program Manuela Schicka
Academia Raetica Transferable Skills Program Daniela Heinen
PSI Paul Scherrer Institute PSI Carrer Center Andrea Regina Biedermann
PSI Education Center Philipp Hediger
swissuniversities P-1 Doctoral Education Tristan Robert