Enhancing the doctoral journey – an asset for success! [invited post]
We are pleased to welcome Colette Niclasse and Marie Lambert, from the University of Fribourg, for a guest post on the supervision relationship in the doctoral process. Welcome and warm thanks to them for their contribution!
Under what conditions can a thesis be successfully completed? What are the individual characteristics and contextual factors that come into play? How, as a doctoral student, can I learn and progress in this demanding journey? How can I manage the instability and hazards inherent in any research project, while preserving my physical and psychological well-being? A good supervisory relationship is essential, and there are ways to ensure this!
The brochure Conditions for the success of doctoral supervision (Lambert, Niclasse & Charlier, 2020) answers these questions. It suggests concrete avenues and makes recommendations helping doctoral students and their supervisors to design and implement, individually and jointly, the conditions and measures that will facilitate the doctoral journey. For doctoral students, they are organized around four main areas:
- Taking stock of the situation
- Communicating and creating a personal network
- Seizing opportunities
- Taking care of yourself
These recommendations are based on the results of two doctoral theses in Educational Sciences (Lambert, 2013; Niclasse, 2019) which examined the experiences of doctoral students at different points in their journey.
This brochure also offers suggestions for reading and links to useful documents. It is available in French, German and English. It was produced by the Centre for Faculty Development at the University of Fribourg, with the financial support of swissuniversities.
Discover it, along with other resources, on the CUSO Transversal Program resources page or on the website of the Centre for Faculty Development at the University of Fribourg
https://www3.unifr.ch/didactic/fr/services/ressources/le-doctorat-et-sa-supervision/ !